Charcot foot is a condition causing weakening of the bones in the foot in people who have nerve damage. It is a very serious condition that requires prompt medical attention.
Additional Information
Charcot foot is a condition causing weakening of the bones in the foot in people who have nerve damage (peripheral neuropathy). This causes the bones to break and the joints to collapse as the foot takes on an abnormal shape. Charcot foot is a very serious condition, so prompt medical attention is recommended if signs or symptoms appear.
Symptoms may include warmth, redness, swelling or pain in the affected foot. Later on a person may develop a rocker-bottom deformity.
What to Expect When You See the Doctor
Prompt medical treatment is crucial. Your doctor may examine your foot and obtain x-rays or other imaging studies to evaluate the foot in more detail. Once treatment begins, x-rays are taken to monitor the condition.
Non-surgical treatment consists of immobilization with a cast, removable boot or brace with crutches or a wheelchair. Special shoes and inserts or a custom boot (CROW boot) or brace may be needed after the bones have collapsed to keep the foot protected and to prevent skin breakdown. Activity modification is typically required during the time that the bones are healing. In some cases, the Charcot deformity may become severe enough that surgery is necessary. Your foot and ankle surgeon will determine the proper timing as well as the appropriate procedure for you.
We Can Help!
Are you suffering from charcot foot? We have years of experience treating this condition and would be happy to help. Contact us or book an appointment today.